Now Ruled by Uranus, Traditionally Ruled by Saturn
A Masculine Positive Fixed Air Sign
The Sun is at detriment in Aquarius and Neptune at Fall
Polar or Opposite Sign: Leo
Fixed Star: Sadalmelik
Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac, lasting from approximately 20 January to approximately 19 February.
The Aquarian character is kind, friendly but rather distant, and frequently unpredictable. Often difficult to understand, Aquarian people tend to be fairly aloof, but usually this is because others do not follow their reasoning nor understand the working of the Aquarian mind, their own thinking is often well ahead of its time, and is clear-cut, rational, intelligent and intuitive. Problems in any area of life are approached analytically.
Personal independence is important to those born under this sign, and they will make every effort to maintain it. The Aquarian personality has an aloof glamour that is often fascinating and dynamic, yet is sometimes not all that warm or endearing. In emotional relationships and marriage, an Aquarian likes a certain degree of independence, and this calls for understanding and tolerance from a partner, but when happily married they will be faithful and loyal.
Aquarians are strong believers in the truth, and will not willingly tell a lie. Always a humanitarian with sympathy for the underdog, they are in favour of reform and change, especially the advancement of conditions surrounding human living and working environments. They are very concerned about the well-being of society. Many people think that Aquarius is a water sign, but the liquid that Aquarius is pouring from this urn is from the well of knowledge; he is concerned with pooling the human resource so that all might benefit. Those ruled by Uranus, as Aquarians are, are original, inventive and usually interested in science, modern technology, radio, computers and television. Many are keen on astrology, astronomy, space travel and flying.
In the Age of Aquarius, Aquarians come into their own. Aquarius is the sign of the future, ruled by unpredictable Uranus. The children of the Aquarian age will lead humanity into a glorious future of progress and freedom, but as Aquarian children will be born in all places throughout the world with different backgrounds, culture and religions, the establishment of world-wide harmony may take some time.
The ruling planet of Aquarius, with which it has a special relationship, is Uranus; it is a fixed, masculine, air sign. Positive traits include humanity, independence, friendliness, originality, loyalty, idealism, intellectuality. Negative traits include unpredictability, eccentricity, contrariness, stubbornness, tactlessness, perversity, a tendency to be fixed in opinions.
Aquarius in a nutshell: The need for independence and an individual lifestyle can be taken to extremes.